FAQ – Kill Team Rules Clarifications

  • What rules will be in effect?

    Any FAQ’s and Errata from Games Workshop released at least 24 hours prior to the event start will be in effect. Please familiarize yourself with these in advance: https://www.warhammer-community.com/faqs/#kill-team

  • What are the painting requirements?

    You will receive 2 victory points per game for having a fully battle ready<link> and based kill team. That means primed, with three colors minimum, and, once again, based. You are welcome to take part with grey plastic models if you must, but you’ll be denying yourself those precious points, and the joy of seeing your painted minis on the table!

  • What about proxies and kitbashes?

    We require that weapons on minis are clearly what they’re meant to be, and are visually different to other types of weapons on your team. This is so your opponent can tell your models apart. We welcome converted teams, but be sure to check your models are the correct base size. If in doubt, please email the organizers at newyorkkillteam@gmail.com

  • What Play format will it be?

    Seeing as there is a major rules release in September, we will be announcing the format, beginning of October.

  • What teams can I bring?

    All teams released before October 4th, 2023 will be allowed in Grand Tournament and Narrative play, with the following exceptions for outdated Compendium teams, per the Q3 Balance Dataslate: Forge World, Thousand Sons, Troupe.

    If Games Workshop’s Open tournaments allow a team in the window between Oct 4 and Nov 4, we will also allow those teams.

  • What are the prizes?

    We will have prizes for first, second, and third place, as well as for the best painted team. We are lucky to have received generous prize support from our sponsors.

    We’ll have other raffle prizes as well which will be awarded throughout the weekend, thanks to our many sponsors!

FAQ – Kill Team Narrative

  • Are we using Spec Ops Campaign rules?

    No. This narrative event is a story-driven experience, not a full campaign. We won’t be using the XP rules for leveling operatives, your team will not get requisition stuff, and there will be no special equipment. At least, not from the book…

  • Can I participate both days?

    Each narrative event is separate and connected. With narrative tie-ins for those who do buy tickets for both days. Players will interact with a modified Ashes of Faith system to forge a unique narrative experience. You can join for just one day or choose to participate both days — the experience will be similar yet different both days.

  • What should I do to prepare?

    Please bring a complete roster (up to 20 operatives) for the event. All participants will be organized into factions (consisting of multiple kill teams working toward a similar set of overall objectives) that reflect the narrative’s overriding scenario. Faction assignments will be distributed at the beginning of the event.

FAQ – general event questions

  • Food and Alcohol

    Alcohol: Please note that alcohol is prohibited inside the venue. There are a number of local bars close to the venue, but alcohol may not be brought on-premises.

    Food: The venue will have a cafe on premises, and we’ll be in the heart of downtown Manhattan!

  • Inclusion:

    Early on, the team behind NYO decided on a set of principles to guide our events. Among them is Inclusion, and we take that principle seriously. We aim to make this an open and inviting space. We don’t anticipate this, but if a person attending the event behaves in a way that makes others feel unwelcome, we reserve the right to remove them without refund.

  • What if I just want to watch?

    Spectators are welcome to attend, barring space restrictions at the venue.